Transatlantic Practice Exchange Day Two: A Strengths Based Tour

For the next two weeks I’m in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of the Transatlantic Practice Exchange #homelesslearning

Today is my second day with Community Rebuilders their strengths based approach is so ingrained in their everyday practice that at times I’m not sure they know just how much they live and breathe it, and how inspiring that is!

Yesterday when I had my tour of Community Rebuilders, Anna, the Chief Operating Officer here, individually introduced each of the 17 services they provide and the staff who run each service with  unwavering enthusiasm and positivity. The pride she feels in the staff, their work and their achievements was evident. And quite rightly too! 

As a visitor being able to put names and faces to the work that the organisation does made their achievements a reality.

When I think about my own colleagues and the amazing things I’ve seen them do individually, as a group and in partnership with our clients over the last three years, I’m kicking myself at all the vital opportunities I’ve had to not only promote all that we’ve achieved but also remind them of how proud I am of the work they do and their innumerable strengths.

My previous practice of bringing a visitor into the room, gesticulating at the people in it and telling them their job titles will no longer cut it.

If someone is visiting your organisation, the odds are they’re interested in what you do… so from now on they’re getting the strengths based tour.
